Real Property Management Solutions

Tips for Moving in the Winter


Summer and spring are peak moving seasons.

It makes sense; the sunny days make for dreamlike road conditions and with so many plants and flowers in bloom, there’s no wonder it’s the time to entice new dwellers.

That all said, whether by design or by circumstance, people do need to move during the chilly months of fall and winter. And while getting caught in a rain or snow storm may not be on your moving plans, there actually are some benefits to winter moves.

Schedule Movers

Since winter is offseason, you may be lucky enough to find lower rates when hiring movers. However, if you live (or are moving to) an area that gets heavy snow, you may need to expect weather-based rates and even delays.

Weather Watch- Remember it’s better to delay your move than to get caught in a blizzard.

Check Utilities

Few things will be more uncomfortable than arriving at your new home and having no heat or light during the cold and dark days.

Turn on Utilities- To ensure a warm welcome at your new place, make sure that you have all your utilities turned on about two days before your move.

Warming Beverage

Whether you hire movers or have a group of generous friends and family helping you, everyone will appreciate a few warming beverage options. Some hot cocoa, apple cider in a crock pot, or a few cups of joe from a local shop will be the boost your moving team needs to get through the chill of winter moving.

Lower rates on movers and a softening housing market could work in your favor, and with a few tips and some planning, you may find that moving in winter is smooth sailing. Just make sure to pack a few extra tarps and blankets to cover your valuables in case of snow.


Credit: Let’s Talk Property Management