Real Property Management Solutions

Want a Cleaner House? Develop these 5 Housework Habits

It’s challenging to keep up with housework when life gets busy. This is particularly true if you have small children or pets. Both are excellent at making messes but not at cleaning them up. Even so, following a few simple housework routines can help you ensure your home stays tidy every day. These five practices can help you keep your Lake Oswego home cleaner and your life more organized than before.

#1: Develop a Routine

Many basic housework activities can be made easier if they are completed at the same time each day. To keep things orderly throughout the day, it’s ideal to adopt both a morning and an evening routine. Unloading the dishwasher, for example, is a good way to start the day. Throughout the day, you may just put dirty dishes into the dishwasher. Just before dinnertime, spend a few minutes cleaning up your living area. This will make your evening at home a lot more relaxing.

#2: Leave Shoes by the Door

Wearing shoes in the house will dirty your floors and increase the amount of time it takes to clean them. Therefore, you can save both time and effort by simply leaving your shoes at the entrance. Your floors will remain cleaner for longer periods of time, and you won’t have to look for your shoes each morning.

#3: Put Things Away as you Go

One of the main reasons that clutter accumulates so rapidly is that we frequently take items out or bring them into the house without immediately putting them away. Putting things away as you go through your day is one habit you can develop for a cleaner home. If you take something out, make sure you return it when you’re through. If you bring mail or goods home, make sure they are placed where they belong. You may even have a small shredder on hand for junk mail to prevent it from piling up.

#4: Get Rid of Items You Don’t Need

On top of putting things away, you may keep your house cleaner by teaching yourself to let go of items you don’t want or need any longer. We keep things for a variety of reasons, but sometimes they just take up room. As you tidy your home, ask yourself whether each thing is necessary and useful before storing it. It could be time to give it away if you don’t know why you’re keeping it. Keep a box in a closet or garage to gather goods that you can donate to a local charity or thrift shop later, or sell at a yard sale to get rid of them.

#5: Deep Clean Once a Week

Cleaning the house every day might be challenging, but setting aside time to deep clean each area at least once a week makes it simpler to maintain the rooms. If you don’t have time to clean the entire house in one day, try cleaning one room per week. Alternatively, request the assistance of family members or housemates. Make it a party with upbeat music and an incentive (such as a fun outing or game night) to promote participation. Keeping up with the housework might be difficult, but by creating these five habits, it will become much easier.

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